Apache Name Input & ThoughtExchange Results Click the link above for more information on opportunities to provide input and feedback on the use of the Apache name at Arcadia High School.
Arcadia Unified is Hiring! We currently have openings for Substitute Teachers, which now pays $200 a day, Instructional Assistants, Custodians, Maintenance, and more. Visit https://bit.ly/jobsAUSD to learn more.
Arcadia Unified Custodians Work Hard to Keep Schools Clean Check out this great Spectrum News1 piece that showcases the hard work our custodians do to keep our schools clean and safe.
New Educator Academy Draft Day 2021! Rolling out the red carpet and welcoming our amazing new teachers and staff who have been "drafted" into Arcadia Unified for the upcoming season!
New COVID-19 Webpage for 2021-2022 Please visit our new COVID-19 webpage that was created specifically for the 2021-2022 school year for the latest Coronavirus Updates, news, resources, and information.
Middle School Journalism Winners Announced Click the link above to read more about Arcadia Unified's DCI Middle School Journalism contest!
New Safety Measures & Protocols All AUSD schools now have many new safety measures and protocols in place to help prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19. Watch video at the link above.
WE ARE HIRING! Come join our team! Click the link above to learn more about our current openings for Instructional Assistants, Health Assistants, and School Bus Drivers!
A New ThoughtExchange is Open Now! As we approach the much-anticipated start to the school year, we wanted to give you an opportunity to let us know your thoughts for the 2021-2022 school year.
Arcadia Unified Stands in Solidarity with our AAPI Community Please click the link above to read Superintendent Dr. Vannasdall's important message to our community.